As a Dream Releaser, Sam Chand serves pastors, ministries and businesses as a leadership architect and change strategist. His purpose it to help others succeed. Sam Chand has served as senior pastor, college president, chancellor and president emeritus. A consultant and mentor to leaders of leaders, Sam Chand’s singular vision for his life is to help others succeed. Sam Chand develops leaders through consultations, books and speaking engagements. Leaders are using Sam Chand's books as handbooks worldwide in leadership development.

Martijn van Tilborgh is a strategic marketing architect and consultant for numerous large organizations and well-known individuals. He is also a minister, author and speaker, as well as a successful entrepreneur. Martijn’s passion to innovate and see God’s plan unfold in people’s lives inspired him to create several successful companies, including Four Rivers Media, Kudu Publishing, Dream Releaser Enterprises and AVAIL. Born and raised in The Netherlands, today Martijn lives in Orlando, Florida, with his wife, Amy, and their three children.

A Global pastor and influencer with over 3 decades of growing top-tier leaders in ministry and the marketplace. He has helped thousands of senior leaders around the world blow the lid off their leadership cap, learn how to organize their personal lives for maximum impact, set up duplicatable staffing/organizational systems for church growth. There are hundreds of men and women around the world that he has helped, who are doing everything from church planting to leading world-wide faith based networks.

Jeffrey Smith’s communication style is passionate, practical, and engaging. His focus is on reaching people with the empowering message of Jesus Christ, developing leaders, and building the local church. Jeffrey Smith received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Finance from Bowling Green State University and a Masters in Organizational Leadership from Regent University. Jeffrey Smith has a passion for helping pastors and leaders push their vision forward. As president of JSS Consulting Inc., he helps today’s leaders reach new heights in ministry. He is also a certified executive coach through the world-renowned Hudson Institute of Coaching in Santa Barbara, California. His extensive corporate and ministry background has made him uniquely qualified to assist pastors and leaders in reaching their next level. After years of working with pastors and leaders, he has developed keen insight in the areas of strategic planning, leadership development, systems implementation, and enhancing staff productivity. He is sought after internationally for his expertise in consulting leaders and helping them realize their untapped potential.

Courtney McBath is the Senior Founding Pastor of Calvary Revival Church (CRC) in Norfolk, Virginia. He also serves as the leader and founder of Calvary Leadership Network, a group of pastors and leaders serving the church globally. He is a teacher, mentor, coach and a global pastor.

Kenneth C. Ulmer has been Senior Pastor of Faithful Central Bible Church in Los Angeles for over 35 years. In 2000 the congregation purchased The Great Western Forum (former home of the Los Angeles Lakers professional basketball team) which they also operated as a commercial entertainment venue before selling it to Madison Square Garden in 2013.
Dr. Ulmer is the former President of The King’s University in Los Angeles where he also serves as a founding board member, adjunct professor, and Director of The King’s At Oxford; an annual summer session held at Oxford University.
Pastor Christopher J Harris, a native of Palatka, FL, is the Executive Pastor/CEO at Crossover Church in Tampa, FL. With a mission to inspire everyday people to live wise lives, he's also the Founder/CEO of DiverseChurchJobs.com, curator of the Wisdom For Life movement, a leader with Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship, a podcaster (The Wise Idea Podcast), multi-book author, and personal and organizational consultant. He shares his life mission with his wife and four children. As a lifelong learner he has a combination of degrees from five different higher education institutions. His commitment to the Kingdom of God and to hungry people and their transformation can be seen on multiple platforms, at events where he speaks, and gatherings he hosts.

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